Thursday, December 17, 2020

Panetonne Bread - a holiday treat

A treat and a literary connection for holiday sharing -- Panetonne Bread (Available from Bauducco Foods - a recipe from their Italian ancestors -- and a copy of Tony's Bread by Tomie dePaola. dePaola provides the story behind it in Tony’s Bread: An Italian Folktale. The book shares the origin of the Christmas bread, panettone, and tells the story of Tony who dreams that one day he'll become the most famous baker in northern Italy. His poor daughter Serafina wants to be allowed to marry. Each of their dreams can come true.

Listen to a reading of Tony's Bread at
The Brown Eyed Baker has a blog post that includes a recipe for making your own panetonne.  Check it out at

Green Frog Gifts -- unique gifts -- sewing and cooking

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